41 Finance

Emprunt National 1920 Crédit Algérien Poster Product Link
France, 1920
47 x 31 in (119 x 79 cm)

Loterie Nationale: "You have to sow to harvest" Product Link
France, 1963
24 x 16 in (61 x 41 cm)

Faites Travailler Vos Billets de Banque - En Souscrivant Aux Bons D'Épargne Product Link
France, C. 1940
25 x 31 in (64 x 79 cm)

Emprunt de la Liberation 1918 -- On souscrit a la Societe Marseillaise de Credit Industriel & Commercial & de Depots Product Link
France, 1918
31 x 47 in (77 x 119 cm)

Emprunt National 6% -- Souscrivez a la Banque Privee Product Link
32 x 48 in (80 x 121 cm)

Banque Nationale De Credit - Emprunt National Product Link
Cappiello 1920
32 x 47 in (81 x 119 cm)

Think - Have YOU Bought Your Limit? 4tht Liberty Loan Product Link
United States-c.1918